Tommy Myall


All photos by Cam Harris


tommy myall photo by cam harris

Location: ATL, GA

Riding Since: 1998

Sponsors: Eastern Bikes, TAL Clothing

Follow @tommymyall


Top 3 Spots: Dirtwood(RIP), BK banks, UGA campus

Top 3 Riders: Phil Jones, Seth Kimbrough, Dan Lacey

Top 3 Foods: cobb salad, burritos, any asian pasta

Top 3 Musicians Right Now: Incendiary, Bent Life, Iron Monkey

Top 3 All-Time Musicians: Bongripper, BIG, Sinking Ships

Top 3 All-Time Musicians: Bongripper, BIG, Sinking Ships

Top 3 Movies: Die Hard, Die Hard 2, Die Hard 3

Top 3 BMX Videos: Forward, Turbulence, Props road fools 5

Top 3 Photographers: Everybody loves Todd Nichols

Tommy Myall running the Eastern bikes grim reaper BMX frame-photo by cam harris


Vehicle: '13 fierce ford focus

Hobbies: party

First Bike: GT Performer

Favorite type of riding: Street and DIY spots

Trick I wish I could do: tables

What got me started riding: Me and my friends just started riding.

Best place traveled: Baton Rouge is awesome!

Best roadtrip: SC to TX with friends in 2004? Got to ride Buck Nuttys!

What gets me motivated to ride: new stuff with positive friends

Describe your perfect session: new stuff with positive friends